
How NOT to Build a Boat is finally available!

How NOT to Build a Boat - front cover
How NOT to Build a Boat
Paperback, 189 x 246 mm, 298 pages.
With 67 photos and over 110 pen-and-ink drawings and cartoons.
ISBN 978-0-9560722-2-1
RRP £15.99 / €18.99 / $24.99
20% discount available for two weeks – scroll down to learn more

It’s finally happened!

First there was the delay in finishing the illustrations – of which there are more than 100.

Then there was the delay with the final editing.

And then there was the delay with the final final editing…

After that came the delay over where to send the proofs (bearing in mind that we’re on the move), and when the proofs came there was a delay when we found that the photos were not up to scratch.

Delays, delays, and more delays… But now – finally – it’s happened! The second set of proofs has been approved, and the publisher has given us the thumbs up:


People all over the world take to the streets to celebrate the launch of Jill's new book
People all over the world take to the streets to celebrate the launch of Jill’s new book

To all those people who kept on asking, “Where is it, then?” : We’re sorry to have kept you waiting, but here it is at last – How NOT to Build a Boat is finally available!


Just in case you’ve forgotten what all this song and dance is about – or in case you never knew – here’s the blurb from Imperator Publishing’s website:

When their old GRP yacht was devastated by a Southern Ocean storm, Jill Schinas and her husband, Nick, resolved to build something stronger. Gaily – and without having researched the matter to the least degree – they threw themselves into the work of designing and constructing the ultimate, ocean-proof, eco-friendly, dream cruising yacht. On their side they had a wealth of sailing experience, which provided a perfect knowledge of what was required, but their only other weapons were irrepressible enthusiasm and the mindset which enables a man to build a radio from a potato or a mast from a lamppost.

Had this been a business enterprise no bank would ever have lent the capital, for ranged against the dreamers was a whole battery of forces any one of which would have deterred more realistic people. For a start, neither Jill or Nick had any experience with a welder – and yet they were proposing to build a steel boat. Secondly, they seemed only to have enough money to buy a couple of masts and the sails. Worst of all, they had two kids and a new baby in tow – and no one with a young family ought to attempt anything more ambitious than the washing up. Regardless of these drawbacks, Nick and Jill went ahead.

“It’ll only take a year and a half,” said he, confidently.

Fifteen years down the line, Mollymawk is afloat and the family have cruised all over the Atlantic; but the boat is still not finished.

This is the tale of what went wrong and what went right. Packed full of advice about such things as ocean-worthy design and sail plans, it will also tell you how to operate a cutting torch, how to avoid a leaky stern-gland, how to pour your own rigging sockets, how to handle a ferocious gander, how to sandblast, how to weld in mid-Atlantic, how to amuse three young children in a cabin space the size of a phone booth… and much, much more besides.

This thing will never be more than a rusting steel can.

— Xoë Schinas, aged 6, one year into the boatbuilding project.

At last, the truth about steel boatbuilding.

— Nick Skeates, designer of the Wylo II

By the author of A Family Outing in the Atlantic (the story of the family’s travels aboard their previous yacht) and Kids in the Cockpit (a guide to sailing and cruising with children).

All those people who signed up to the mailing list are entitled to a 20% discount on the listed price of the book – as promised; and if you’re one of this number you should, by now, have received an e-mail to this effect.

Those of you who missed the boat are still in with a chance, because we’re extending the offer: If you drop us a line and order the book in the next two weeks we’ll give you the same deal.
The list price is £15.99 / €18.99 / $24.99, but if you buy the book before 14th August you get it for £12.79 / €15.19 / $19.99.

(Please note that these prices do not include postage, which varies according to where you want the book sent.)

To take advantage of this offer, please use this link which will open a form for you to fill out. If there are any problems, drop us a line (using the Mollymawk contact form) and we’ll see what we can do.

[Update: The pre-order period is now over. For more information about ordering How NOT to Build a Boat, please click here.]

Imperator Publishing are also releasing the second edition of Jill’s other book, A Family Outing in the Atlantic. By changing the page size they have managed to reduce the price to £15.99 / €18.99 / $24.99. If you’d like to order a copy at the same time as ordering How NOT to Build a Boat, you can use the same form. If you’d like to order it by itself, please see this page about ordering our books.

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