Nick has been sailing since he was a toddler and racing since he was eight. At the age of 24 he set off on a three year cruise around the world with his parents, and he has been living aboard and cruising ever since.
After some ten years of cruising, Nick decided to build his own steel boat, He initially thought that it would take about 18 months to knock one up, but he is now hoping to get through in 18 years.
During his career as an ocean vagabond Nick has crossed the Atlantic some twenty times, crossed the Pacific twice, sailed more miles than he can be bothered to count, and visited numerous countries. He has also capsized two boats and sunk a third; but he promises to behave himself now.
Nick earns his living as a mechanic. He enjoys sailing, sleeping, drinking gin, fiddling with engines, and sleeping some more.
His pet hate is being asked to finish the boat.