Happy Christmas everyone! We’ve been so frantically busy trying (and failing) to get the boat ready to leave Spain before Christmas that we haven’t even had time to go to the post office this year – so this is all you’re getting! Feel free to print it out and sign it “Love from the Mollymawks“.
Merry Christmas/Winter Solstice and all sorts of Greetings to all you Mollymawkers from us landlubbers in Madrid! Love the jellybabe on Roxanne’s great acuarela!
Merry Christmas/Winter Solstice and all sorts of Greetings to all you Mollymawkers from us landlubbers in Madrid! Love the jellybabe on Roxanne’s great acuarela!
Bring back duffle coats is what I say! So how are you going to celebrate Christmas then? Warm wishesSusie